Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Cold Callers - My Free Punchin' Bag~!!!

We pay for our hand phones! We pay for our phone line subscription & usage! We pay the utility bill to keep our phones fully charged! For what? It's for our convenience & for us to keep in touch with the people we want to. Not for any fuckers who hijacked our no.s & try to make $$$ out of us!!!

Since 2 yrs ago, I used to receive calls from these muthfarkers on a average frequency of once a week. Recently, these virus has multiplied themselves so much that I could have 3 to 4 such disturbances a day!

Don't you feel like you were being used when such pest contacts you? I totally do! What do I do with ass-O?! Frak'em~ in any which way I wanna~! I'm just Being Me~ I like to twist & turn situations into my favour as far as possible.

So on a good day, these fuckz will get a busy tone, wrong no. or a some what monotonous turn-down from me. If I woke up on the wrong side of the bed or my underwear too tight, I'll be super nasty~

Cold Caller: Hi good afternoon, may i speak to Mr XyX *without fail, every1 of these freaks can't pronounce my name properly~ & hello~!!! you call my cell phone & expect my neighbour to pick up the call~?! (gas leakin'~*)

Me: It's Mr XXX! *not a word of apology from the b'it'che~ (matchstick's out of the box~queue Mission Impossible Theme~*)

Cold Fucker: Is it convenient to talk to you?

Me: No!

Cold Muthafarker: This will only take a moment. *eh~ den asked me for fuck~? (matchstick in strikin' position~*) I'm calling from Fuck by Rabid Dogs Pte Ltd. Our company prov...

Me: Wait! Which part of "NO" do you not understand? (*strike matchstick~!*)

Cold Sogonnabefucked: I'm sorry sir, I'm juz doing my job~ (*B~O~O~M~!!!*)

Me: So what if it's your job!?! Your job is causing disturbance to me during my office hour!!! I don't give a shit what your freakin' company does!!! I'm not interested in anything your company sells!!! You got my data without my permission!!! I don't want to hear anymore call from you or your company again!!!

Me: *Hang up the phone~*

Me: *Doo~ Doo~ Doo~*

Trust me~ the joy is so better than sex *errr...depends on with who la~*...Perfect way to de-stress~

Seriously, your job is your own problem. Why do I have to put up with you? Imagine a ciggi salesman, a drug dealer & a pimp all trying to sell me their products, all started to tell me they are just doing their jobs?! *shheeshh~*

All these cold farkz claimed that our data was passed to them from another bigger fucker who bought our data from the biggest mutherfarkers - Survey Companies & Banks! Yes~! Your Banks~! All 'coz we are not protected. The last I checked, sg ain't got no Privacy Law for the public yet. The so called "erected pricks" are sittin' on passin' the bill 'coz~

sg "garments" position currently

• Global consensus not reached - US vs EU

• Cannot afford choosing wrong model

• Wait and see, but watch Art 25 EU, Data

Protection Directive

• Meanwhile, encourage industry self-regulation
*self-regulate my A$$~!!!*

• National Trust Council and Trustsg initiative

Hello~ wtf? We have:

• Draft produced early 1990’s by Dean of Law School, National University of Singapore

• Australia (Privacy Act 1988)

• Canada (Federal Privacy Act and Regulations)

• New Zealand (Privacy Act 1993)

• United States (Privacy Act 1974) and several other European nations.

What more references do those frakz need?! They have no problems passin' ridiculous bill like the ban of Chewing Gum & Blowjobs in a blink without anything to model after!?

Typical of most asians - control freaks! *we have 5000yrs long Chinese history as backing~ so don't argue~* Almost every ruler wanted full control of his people. Wanted to know their every thought, every move. Makes puppeteerin' so much easier. Then one day the people thought of a way to communicate with each other without being sniffed out by the dogs *Mooncake MSN~*, A Revolution, & down came the Tyrant! *The crowd went wild~!*

They wanna remain the rights to tab your line, run through your network, access to your every data as & when they want. Why?

To keep them throne nice & warm.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Superman Returns (PG)

Genre: Action & Adventure
A Minute of Silence please, for the late Man of Steel - Christoper Reeve.

Before you catch Superman Returns, you might wanna watch Superman: The Movie (1978) & Superman II (1981) 'coz Superman Returns picks up exactly from where they left off & there's also added value to it~. *Warning!!! Don't even Touch Superman III & IV or your hands will Rot~!*

I can't write too much 'coz it'll surely contains spoilers *lots~*, what I can say is good story telling, brings a sense of warmth to the steel; & me as a old timer, juz gonna leave a few thank you notes,

Thanks for bringing him back. Brandon ain't no Christopher...but he's close.
Thanks for erasing Superman III & IV from my nightmares. Wish someone will do the same for Highlander II, III, IV; Alien III; Terminator III; Star Wars Prequels etc...
Thanks for curing the mentally challenged Lex Luthor. Gene Hackman's lowest ever role~
Thanks for funding Lois Lane major plastic surgery. Can't imagine how Superman fell in love with that f'ugly thingy then
Thanks for the Opening Credits. Director knows us well~

Director: Bryan Singer
Writers: Michael Dougherty & Dan Harris
Cast: Brandon Routh, Kate Bosworth, Kevin Spacey, James Marsden, Frank Langella, Sam Huntington, Eva Marie Saint, Kal Penn, Parker Posey, Peta Wilson

ps, personally, I find Brandon lacks the confidence Chris held. Maybe it's 'coz of the pressure from his predecessor. Chris though lack the SFX technologies, really made me believed that a man can fly...sadly, I can't see it from Brandon.

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Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hawaii Sep 2001

A belated  Aloha~!  Almost 5 yrs late...but then again, there wasn't Multiply 5 yrs ago *I think~* & I only just started to convert my negatives into digital files...*evolution~*

Also I wanna try this new Slight Show thingy out~!

Running an event in USA in the midst of 9-11 ain't no joke...we really thought a war had started on America...

Friday, June 23, 2006

What exactly is LOVE?

Original Post 何謂愛? Aug 8, '05

If you are a fan of CRHK903's Love Valley, you might have heard this story before...

It was about 8am on a very chaotic morning. An elderly gentleman probably in his 80s, went to the hospital to have his stitches removed by a doctor. Unfortunately, there was a major road accident & all the doctors were busy at the ER...the elderly man was left waiting...

As he waited, he couldn't help but to keep checking his watch impatiently for the time. At the same time a nurse who had just came on shift noticed him & went over to help him with his stitches.

As she was removing the stitches, she asked, "Mr, Are you in a hurry?"

And he replied, "Oh yes, my young lady, I've an appointment at 9am."

After hearing his reply she started wondering what kind of appointment was of such importance to an elderly man like him?

Then he added, "I've a daily breakfast date with my wife at the Health Care Center."

"Your wife's at the Health Care Center? Is she alright?" She asked with much concern.

"No worries dear, it's just Parkinson's Disease. It has been a while since she remembers anything or anybody." He answered.

"You're her husband & yet she can't recognise you?" She asked again.

He answered with a little pause, "You are right, young lady, it's been 5 years...Actually, she wouldn't notice if I'm there or not..."

Upon hearing that, curiously she asked, "Since she can't recognise you, why are you in such a hurry & still keep to this daily routine?"

The elderly man tapped lightly on her hands & replied with a smile, "She may have forgotten who I am...but I'm fine with it because I still do know that she's my wife."

As he finished, he thanked the nurse & went off for his date.

A love like that seems simple to us...but to achieve, it'll take a lifetime. Today's youth are living under the fast-food culture. They want everything in a flash, instant well paid career, fast gals & easy guys. Always dreaming of a love story like that of the movie Titanic...to be honest, that was just a movie, a child's play.

When you're at the verge of death, it so easy to just "Die~". di cuco's mind was clouded by honeymoonin' with fat-winslate, on top of that, with the help of brain freezing sea water, he thought that he was tough enough & heroically gave up the floating plank to fat-winslate...but who knows...

On the other hand, if they both survived, they'll be living happily......e~errr~.....for a month. Then di cuco, being the horny dog he is, will engage whores & tries to get free meals by drawing portraits for them. At the same time, fat-winslate will be sick & tired of this horny & penniless cheap ass; left him & went back to her mother, so that she can get hooked up with some rich man. This is reality. Is it as beautiful a story?

Recently, I read a blog entry by blinkymummy regarding "fuck buddy". Oh my~ how it has evolved?...It used to be known as "sex partner", which to me sounded less casual..."buddy!?" I know many people have'em but I just can't do it...I think...I'm gettin' obsolete...

Very often, a love story about an elderly couple is not so appealing because there wasn't any Hunks, Babes, Sports Cars, Branded Apparels, Beautiful Yachts, Grand Houses, Breathtakin' Seneries, Monies, etc,etc...What makes them beautiful is that they are not superficial.

Saying "I Love You" to someone for a couple of years or even 5 to 7 years is really not a big deal at all. On the other hand, if you are still holding on to your lover's hand after 30 or 50 years? Now, that is really something......something I want...

Original Post Here.

Friday, June 09, 2006

電影"甘"句 ﹣港產篇 I

由細到大,港產片都帶給我最大o既娛樂,不過就一定要係粵語版的,因為配o左國語o既港產片就如行屍走肉般冇o左靈魂~ 而一向反叛的我就堅決唔做星洲死靈,所以我對絕大多數o既粵語港產片都無任歡迎。不介意是否低俗或粗製濫造,只要有一句我覺得應o既對白或爆笑位便已足夠。

老實講咁多年來睇過幾多部港產片我絕對記唔到,但就有啲對白仲歷歷在目。趁還記得寫低佢地先~ 有啲幾有啟發性,有啲嘛...得啖笑囉~

重慶森林 - 差佬663:個日下晝我係屋企大掃除。我好似係度清理跑道,準備第二架飛機降落。

花樣年華 - 周慕雲:係我...,如果有多一張船飛,妳會唔會同我一齊走?

2046 -

無間道 II - 倪永孝:出o黎行,預o左要還。

無間道 II - 黃志誠督察:殺人放火金腰帶,修橋補路無屍骸。

英雄本色 - Mark哥:信,我咪係神!神都係人o黎,能夠把握自己條命,佢咪係神。

英雄本色 - 臺灣老大:江湖道義現在已經不存在了。身邊的人沒有一個可以相信。

大丈夫 - 郭天佑:唔賭唔知時運到,唔滾唔知身體好。

豬扒大聯盟 - 焚化倫:我o地啲中層人員係咁o架啦。小事又唔洗我o地理,大事又唔輪到我o地理,閒事就千祈唔好理,緊要事就留番俾專家理。

流氓醫生 - 劉民醫生:新乜鬼野年啊,咪又係捱世界?

六樓後座 - Candy:大檸樂添~

同居密友 - 霍少棠:冇~見口淡淡,想搵你出o黎執番劑o者。

江湖告急 - 關雲長:太多人要我幫,我唔可能個個都保佑,惟有耐唔耐求祈搵個人幫o下。做人做神亦都一樣,你耐唔耐做o下o野,啲人就會覺得你很靈。

江湖告急 - 蘇花:忠義啊,講出來就難聽啦,真係out到唔out啊。拜還拜,雖然日日拜o者,信係兩回事o黎o既,關二哥。

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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Buy My Cup~ Buy My Tub~

After weeks of workin' thru the nites with Mok, they are finally HERE~!!!


 Cup & PopCorn Tub!!!

Yay~! Tadah~!

Yesterday, Mok invited me to the Gala for Cars @ The Cathay *thnx dude~*. That was when & where I 1st saw the Cups & Tubs in public. I was very happy seeing people buying'em, but what makes me even happier is that they held on to them emptied cups & tubs even after the movie & not thrashin'em away after they left the cinemas~ We Have Made Collectibles Dude~!!!

Currently, they are available @ Cathay & Eng Wah Multiplexes!

Eng Wah only has my Cup...& their own cheapo~ paper popcorn vomit bag...*sheesh~*

記得捧場買番 set 啦~! I know~ I know~...I'm sorry about the rip-off prices *not my fault~ sob~*...but hey, it's my workz~! Support abit lah~ Hee~