Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Genre: Other






The Theme Song for the Wedding of Chapman To & Crystal Tin. Probably the HK Wedding of the decade.

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Saturday, June 04, 2005

Magic Kimchi Tofu

I was suppose to play with the "dead" (meat) this weekend. When I got to the meat section of Cold Storage Taka @ 2115hrs...looked around...walked away...they didn't look good. I roamed around aimlessly. I dunno why but I like Super Marketing.

Then I remember mentioning about my non-meaty fav food:

  • Chillies
  • Tofu
  • Mushrooms
  • Kimchi

And a picture came into my head. So I went to buy myself a small pack of kimchi, a few egg tofu, some udon & headed home! While on the bus, I started to plan what I'm gonna do @ the kitchen later; all in Technique colour details.

Once stepped in, straight to the kitchen I went. Put the kimchi in the freezer, boiled a pot of water for the udon with 2 teaspoon full of salt, threw the tofu into the microwave.

3 minutes later, I rinsed dry the udon, placed them on a plate full of ice with the tofu & popped it in the freezer before I enter the shower. After I was squeaky clean, the food were in the right "coolness"! Pour the udon on to a plate with a little sesame oil, follow by the tofu & lastly the Star - kimchi. *TaDaH~! Cold Kimchi Tofu Udon!

Maybe, I'm too hungry or too happy with myself, it tasted quite good!

My folks will be back next week, I guess I won't be doing much of these after their return. Back to lazy self again...*hee~


夕陽無限好 (Demo)

Genre: Other
夕陽無限好 (Demo)



多經典的歌后 一霎眼已走
纏綿著青蔥的山丘 轉眼變蟻丘
這個剎那宇宙 拒絕永久
世事無常還是未看夠 還未看透

多好玩的東西 早晚會放低
從前並肩的好兄弟 可會撐到底
愛侶愛到一個地步 便另覓安慰
枉當初苦苦送禮 最艷的花卉 最後化爛泥

*夕陽無限好 天色已黃昏
 本想去憑愛 去換最燦爛一生
 想不到長吻 帶來更永恆傷感
#夕陽無限好 卻是近黃昏
 高峰的快感 剎那失陷
 風花雪月不肯等人 要獻便獻吻

多風光的海島 一秒變廢土
長存在心底的傾慕 可會夠細數
每秒每晚彷似大盜 偷走的青春一天天變老
只可追憶到 想追追不到

Repeat *#

好風景多的是 夕陽平常事
然而每天眼見的 永遠不相似

Another brilliant composition from Eric Kwok - the Spirit behind many Eason's hits!



Genre: Other
Artist:陳曉琪 kellyjackie

原曲作者: kellyjackie @ Royals
原曲作詞: 海藍 @ Royals / 庭 @ Royals
原曲編曲: 林柿 @ Royals

兜過幾個圈 看木馬旋轉 美夢似是遙遠 仍埋藏著繾綣
快樂旅途中 有沒有熱戀 看著這入場券 如同尋獲溫暖

笑問你 你話連夜候票再多的困倦 也不怨 似在平靜地說出 絲絲的愛戀

畢生也願記起 香港迪士尼 煙火璀璨夜晚定會很美
坐咖啡杯 溫馨記憶 旋轉中細味 天邊星宿也沒法比

今天心碎或痛悲 只需要記住陪伴在你身邊有米妮
始終可以幸福地 沉迷在美夢裡希冀

要是你 決定明日伴我去闖天與地 會很美 故事延續下世紀 一生都記起

不必理是與非 不需要顧忌 穿梭堡壘內陪伴我嬉戲
米老鼠 比精品店的美 輕輕靠近 都可使我快樂跳起

當 身邊掛著相機 假使到最後還未望到不准你別離
可知心裡正準備 無緣合照亦抱緊你

公主與白雪都 不需要羨慕 因可跟你在長夜裡擁抱
見阿拉丁 本想說聲坐飛氈 卻又不可媲美你待我好

星空不算是太高 假使有你在旁陪伴我一起每段路
可將一切記心內 明日共你愉快傾訴

Another (Unofficial) Sneak Preview of Disney HK!
A fine & pleasent piece of work from an 18 year old! Find out more about this Talented Young Artist:

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Genre: Other

曲 : 陳輝陽 詞 : 林夕 編 : 梁基爵

* 害怕悲劇重演 我的命中命中
歷史在重演 這麼煩囂城中
沒理由相戀 可以沒有暗湧
難道這次我抱緊你未必落空 *

# 仍靜候著你說我別錯用神
什麼我都有預感 #

就算天空再深 看不出裂痕
眉頭仍聚滿密雲 就算一屋暗燈
照不穿我身 仍可反映你心
讓這口煙跳升 我身軀下沉

Repeat * #

然後睜不開兩眼 看命運光臨

Repeat #



Friday, June 03, 2005

iNcompetence sg..."星"無能...

Like I've mentioned here before..."One thing for sure, things can only get worst from now", and they did. 

I don't know about everybody else but I for sure, didn't vote for any of the incompetent arse in sg house...because mine was a fuckin' walk over area...come to think of it, the opposition parties are just as fuckup! Full of empty vessels & mad dogs!

As of the moment I understand what does the word "politic" means, I have absolutely no confident in sg politicians. Years have I seen them making stupid decisions that back fire "BIG" time! For example, (1) Family Planning - stop @ two & (2) the over emphasis on the importance of English Language in our educations.

What happens now :

  • (1) 生育越多, 分享越少 (the more you have, the lesser the share). Many sporean couples understand it so well and after careful calculations, they are wise to decide not to have any kid @ all! While they are happily enjoying their care free couple life, the officials are poppin' their veins, thinkin' of ways to get sporean off the extinction list!

  • (2A) This worked out so well that most sporean Chinese don't even know that they're Chinese! Can't read, write Chinese or converse in Mandarin! "紅毛狗屎" (Caucasian Dog Pooh) as my mum always call them but who's to blame...?. Now that China emerges as a big "$Ka'ching$", once again our officials are poppin' more of their veins! Even our "Ol' Congo" have to cook up a book full of cock & bull stories to encourage sporean to study the Chinese language!

  • (2B) Or, this scares the stupid sporean "cina" aunties so much that they forced themselves to converse to their kids in "England" at all time. We all know how 1/2 fuc...*nah~ it's worst! 1/4 fucked their standard of English is. As a result, their kids are so influenced by their "mother's" tongue that they're proficient in neither English nor Chinese...totally fucked!

These shows that they're lack of foresights! Unable to plan for sg future...but that's not the worst, they're also bloody fuckin' lazy!!! They were so-called "Elected" by the people. So "for the People" should be in their best interest, but a few recent announcements clearly tell us to "Wake Up Our Fuckin' Ideas! We're On Our Own!" Yup! I'm talking about the new ERP charges & the approval of public transports fare hikes.

Orchard Road is the "Heart" of sg. A lot of our "Blood" $$$ are pumped there regularly. Which is why the traffic there is always heavy, especially on weekends. The jams are truly a pain in the butt, and the elected realized it as well.

Instead of crackin' their heads to ease the problem with ideas such as, building of underpass, widening of roads, better co-ordination of traffic light timing etc, they chose the easy way of additional ERP charges on weekends! It's that simple! Their solution to the problem is to make it our burden to solve the problem!

This irresponsible move came coincide with the approval of public transports fare hikes. Though they denied it, I can see that this two issues were closely related & planned. If you've watched & listened to the news carefully, you'll find these obvious links!

  • When asked about how the public is affected by the new ERP charges? The answer from one of the officials was, "We encourage the public to take more public transport".

  • When asked why was the application for increase of public transports fare approved, even though the companies are making profits? The answer from Public Transports Council (PTC) was, "The PTC is satisfied that while Public Transport Operators' (PTO) profit levels can be considered to be healthy, they are not excessive when compared with companies with similar industry structure and risk profiles." *Of course lah~! Alot of the profit went into supporting the stupid "City Buzz" mah~! Total waste of manpower & resources!!! Wonder which fucker came out with this proposal?!

These empty, fully air-con, fully lit City Buzz's has a very high proximity frequency! Average of 1.5 City Buzz : 1 of every other Bus! Fuel wasted, salaries wasted, vehicles wasted, power wasted, marketing budget wasted...but they have no worries! PTC has made it our "DUTY" support them!

The implementation of new ERP charges is directly helping the PTO to make more $$$! Sure~ they said that they care about the people, especially the needy : "The PTC notes that the Community Development Councils and the NTUC are setting up a Public Transport Fund to help this group of commuters, and that SMRT and SBST will be contributing to this fund. The PTC is happy that the transport operators are mindful of their social responsibility, and that through this targeted approach, public transport will remain affordable to all Singaporeans."

But there's a Chinese sayin' : 殺人放火金腰帶, 修橋補路無尸骸...