Friday, September 30, 2005


十月一日, 凌晨兩點. 陪伴我接近兩年的絕情谷已與世長辭. 初時收聽係因為想了解傳聞的囂張才子 - 倪震 (大Joe) 究竟有乜把炮? 另一位主持張燊悅, 老實講我就嘛嘛o勒. 不過話晒係星嘉坡這個鬼佬井底...我識o的乜啊?!

o岩o岩聽時, 感情生活並不理想. 聽到o的類似o既問題個案時, 很容易墮人角色, 也嘗試利用他人的意見o黎解決自身煩惱. 有時竟然都幾駛得o番.

聽耐o左, 發覺大Joe比起以前*聽講o者~* 收斂了許多. 亦都發覺佢同我在思維上有點相似. 例如, 大家都喜愛貓, 冇同Vivian結婚與唔想生育的理由, 同埋某些人生觀等等. 真係同人唔同命...

隨著張燊悅的離開, 谷祖琳(細Jo)頂上! *嘩~! 我happy到啊~!* 皆因我由陳果套"去年煙花特別多"開始已經好霖細 Jo. 家陣可以天天聽到佢把聲, 爽到啦!

聽著, 聽著真係上晒癮. 每天都定要上網聽Archive. 聽o下有邊個似我, 有邊個晒幸福, 有邊個做愚蠢的第三者, 有邊個做賤男人, 有邊個做淫婦, 有邊個俾大 Joe 剷/讚, 大細 Jo o既經歷, (貓貓)阿豹與阿叮的趣事, 坊間流傳的感人故事, 仲有o的勁爆的嘉賓主持(如鄭中基, 黃伊汶, 谷德昭等等)等等. 有次大Joe仲讀出我寫俾絕情谷有關星嘉坡禁口交法例o既電郵. 當時我非常開心, 很有參與感.

一向對心理學很有興趣的我, 係絕情谷到學到唔少o野 (雖然這始終係個娛樂商業節目). 有樣o野係我自己觀察到o既 *可能大家已早知~...* - "男人花心靠唔住" 係社會對男人的性別歧視. 女人花心的程度也不遑多讓. 那為什麼成日淨係聽人話衰男人呢? 點解硬係針對男人呢? 理由簡單, 女人潛意識喜歡申訴自己的不幸, 顯得軟弱, 換來呵護. 而男人就往往因為封建遺留下來的尊嚴與面子問題, 選擇了沉默...試圖自己解決問題...有時這份抑壓會換來血腥的悲劇收場...這個世界係公平的. 有奸夫就有淫婦, 有貞女就有忠男. 點都好, 這只不過係我個人o既淺見, 而我亦不過係個卑微的設計師...

對於絕情谷的完結, 初時以為會覺得很失落 *都有o的o的o既~*. 但係這幾年的起起落落, 加上大Joe不時講o既佛偈已經將我磨煉到略微可以笑看得失, 不佘多求o勒. 冇乜o野可以俾到兩位絕情谷主, 只有以下兩段:





絕  - 不代表永恆,

情  - 不等於擁有,

谷  - 亦望會有回音.



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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Corpse Bride (PG) [3.5 Stars]

Genre: Animation

The long awaited sequel to Vincent (1982) & The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) is finally here!...well...not really a sequel...more like a cousin of the first 2 Stop Motion movies. Since Beetlejuice (1988), there isn't a Tim Burton's movie that I dislike & *Yes~* that includes ED Wood (1994), Planet of the Apes (2001), Mars Attack (1996)! He's an real Artist! *ok~ n'uff butt kissin'~ on with the show~ Victor Van Dort (Johnny Depp), a young man who was about to marry Victoria Everglot (Emily Watson) in an arranged marriage. Due to the pressures from the folks & fear of under-perform, Victor fled the wedding vow rehearsal & into the woods he went. There, he accidentally wedded the mysterious Corpse Bride (Helena Bonham-Carter), this is when the fun begins!

A rather short Dark Comic Musical in the tradition of NBC (The Nightmare before X'mas)...though there's only 4 songs...composer Danny Elfman didn't disappoint me.

What I really like about this movie beside its production design, photography, stop motion animation, songs & scores is the way Tim Burton depict the difference between the Land of the Living & the Land of the Dead.

 Land of the Living  - Strict, conservative, selfish, greedy, evil, ignorant & boring. Very much like here. Dull & Gray is the colour scheme Burton used for this world.

 Land of the Dead  - On the other hand is ironically bright, colourful & cheery! The Deads are Carefree, Happy, Wise, Helpful & Caring. Maybe the deads are happy 'coz they have no possession, therefor nothing to lose; also, they're freed from the fear of death as well as all the unnecessary pressures of the world above. Seems like only when we let everything go, then we can truly be happy. I kinda agree...but easier said than done.

Many think that this is a kid flick. Hello!!! *slap them on their heads~* Life, life after death, love, responsibilities, promises & commitments are not subjects that stupid kids can comprehen... Likewise for many so-called adults who very often hastily said "I do".

If Jack Sparrow is the reason you wanna watch this movie, save it till 2006. Johnny Depp didn't even sound like himself. He did a good job sounded very Victor Van Dort'ish', just as every other cast on the show.

To me, Corpse Bride is not as good as NBC but overall, Tim Burton still kept his standard. This is one of his top work I'd say.

Director: Michael Johnson, Tim Burton
Writer(s): Caroline Thompson, Pamela Pettler
Cast: Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Emily Watson, Albert Finney, Richard E. Grant, Joanna Lumley, Christopher Lee

1 star for Tim Burton, 1 for Danny Elfman, 1 for the Stop Motion Animators & 1/2 for the Dead World.

Click here (warning: contains spoilers) for some samples of the songs & scores from Corpse Bride.

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Monday, September 26, 2005

Sheesha History

Sheesha History 101

Egyptians call it shisha, Lebanese refer to it as nargila, and in English it is known most commonly as hookah.  No matter what name it is given, however, hookahs have been smoked by people of various cultures and nationalities for hundred of years.  For something with such widespread tradition, however, few smokers are aware of the rich history of the hookah under any of its many guises.

Birth Of The Sheesha

Accounts of the first cultures to use the hookah are debated, along with what constitutes a "modern" hookah, but a number of facts are well-known.  The original design for the hookah is believed by most to have come from India or Persia, but it was rather primitively made from a coconut shell.

With two holes bored into the coconut's husk, milk was originally used to filter hookah smoke. Although what this may have tasted like is questionable, the popularity of the hookah quickly spread to other areas of the Middle East.

Sheesha Popularity Grows

Sheeshas spread to Iran and then the rest of the Arab world. It was in Turkey, however, that the water pipe completed its revolution and has hardly changed its style for the last few hundred years. Styles and materials are often interchangeable, but almost all hookahs traditionally consist of four basic pieces:

  • Agizlik: the mouthpiece of the hose of a hookah

  • Lle: the top of the hookah or bowl

  • Marpu: the tube or hose

  • Gvde: the body of the pipe which is filled with water

All pieces of the pipe were produced by special craftsmen, which were named after the piece they produced.  The shisha tobacco, also called tombac, gouza, moass or sheesha, is a blend of fresh, dark tobacco leaves, fruit pulp, honey or molasses and glycerin.

Shisha Tobacco Is Born

It is rumored shisha tobacco originated when one smoker used molasses to give consistency to shredded tobacco leaves and a trend was born.  The tobacco is available in a wide variety of flavors, including double apple, strawberry, melon, pineapple, vanilla, pistachio and rose, among many others. Hookahs are traditionally smoked among groups, as participants discuss politics, religion and daily happenings. Coffee houses became major sources of news and gossip while smokers sipped strong coffee, puffed tobacco and conversed freely with people throughout the area.

Sheesha & Status Symbols

Hookahs soon became important status symbols as well. Offering one to a guest became an important sign of trust, and withholding it could be taken as a serious insult. In 1841, a diplomatic crisis broke out between France and the Ottoman Empire after a sultan declined to offer the French ambassador a chance to smoke with him.  Hookah smoking is still largely social, though coffee houses are no longer as important to the spread of local news. The practice still offers social interaction and conversation.



Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Hello~ Web Patrol! Goodbye~ Good Times!

How would you like to receive a few thousand $$$ monthly juz to surf porn, read blogs & scan forums everyday? Try your luck with mica for this Dream job...key word being "Dream"...on...

As most of you might have known, 3 dweebs were being charged in court for posting multi-racial hatred writings on their blogs.

  • Why did they write those shits? I don't give a damn!

  • Who reported them to the officials? I don't care!

  • How many well paid geeks were monitoring their site? I wanna know!!! I wanna know who they are? How they got the job? How much are they gettin exactly?

Sometimes I wonder is it racial disharmony or believes dispute? I don't think there's an issue between a Malay & a Chinese Muslim. On the other hand, quarrels can easily start off between a Chinese christian & a Chinese Taoist. The reason is simple, they're all trying to force their own believes into the "Aliens"! That to me is the real threat. One more step, & they'll be turned into Extremists.

Extremists are the people our garments...i mean...golftornament...nope...gulf...err...oh youse noe who ahm sayin'~ shld beware of.

Religions are & should be all about good teachings. But when one went over to the darkside, he doesn't need reasons like a racist or religious joke to trigger a kill spree! As a result these dick heads are easily being manipulated to do harm to some people, which in the process some how benefited their manipulators.

To have such a big reaction over the 3 bloggers, we're exposing to the world of enemies what we're most afraid of, our weakness & that our people are still immature & easily influenced.

Instead of stoppin' the rational mass from speakin' our mind, gourmet...oh hack~ gov shld educate the up tight minority. It may not be easy but we didn't elect youse to take a walk in the park did we?...wa~wait......what elect?

Then again, sg is famous for settin rules to ban everybody from doing something 'coz of a few pea-brains' wrong doings. (eg. the ban on oral sex without intercourse - If some dumb puss chose to believe dat by blowin' mediums can chase away them bad luck & evil spirit? So be it! Life's all about makin' choices, & most importantly, nobody was amputated in the process.)

sg, always goes with the big EZ way! Juz like in camp, 1 stupid fucker made a stupid mistake, whole platoon kena!

Some tight ass cross-bearers said that pop music are evil, & they're the works of Satan! If Satan did write the below song? He muah fwen for Eternity!!!

Depeche Mode - People are People

People are people so why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully

So we're different colours
And we're different creeds
And different people have different needs
It's obvious you hate me
Though I've done nothing wrong
I never even met you
So what could I have done

I can't understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand

Now you're punching and you're kicking
And you're shouting at me
I'm relying on your common decency
So far it hasn't surfaced
But I'm sure it exists
It just takes a while to travel
From your head to your fist

I can't understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand
