Like I've mentioned here before..."One thing for sure, things can only get worst from now", and they did.
I don't know about everybody else but I for sure, didn't vote for any of the incompetent arse in sg house...because mine was a fuckin' walk over area...come to think of it, the opposition parties are just as fuckup! Full of empty vessels & mad dogs!
As of the moment I understand what does the word "politic" means, I have absolutely no confident in sg politicians. Years have I seen them making stupid decisions that back fire "BIG" time! For example, (1) Family Planning - stop @ two & (2) the over emphasis on the importance of English Language in our educations.
What happens now :
- (1) 生育越多, 分享越少 (the more you have, the lesser the share). Many sporean couples understand it so well and after careful calculations, they are wise to decide not to have any kid @ all! While they are happily enjoying their care free couple life, the officials are poppin' their veins, thinkin' of ways to get sporean off the extinction list!
- (2A) This worked out so well that most sporean Chinese don't even know that they're Chinese! Can't read, write Chinese or converse in Mandarin! "紅毛狗屎" (Caucasian Dog Pooh) as my mum always call them but who's to blame...?. Now that China emerges as a big "$Ka'ching$", once again our officials are poppin' more of their veins! Even our "Ol' Congo" have to cook up a book full of cock & bull stories to encourage sporean to study the Chinese language!
- (2B) Or, this scares the stupid sporean "cina" aunties so much that they forced themselves to converse to their kids in "England" at all time. We all know how 1/2 fuc...*nah~ it's worst! 1/4 fucked their standard of English is. As a result, their kids are so influenced by their "mother's" tongue that they're proficient in neither English nor Chinese...totally fucked!
These shows that they're lack of foresights! Unable to plan for sg future...but that's not the worst, they're also bloody fuckin' lazy!!! They were so-called "Elected" by the people. So "for the People" should be in their best interest, but a few recent announcements clearly tell us to "Wake Up Our Fuckin' Ideas! We're On Our Own!" Yup! I'm talking about the new ERP charges & the approval of public transports fare hikes.
Orchard Road is the "Heart" of sg. A lot of our "Blood" $$$ are pumped there regularly. Which is why the traffic there is always heavy, especially on weekends. The jams are truly a pain in the butt, and the elected realized it as well.
Instead of crackin' their heads to ease the problem with ideas such as, building of underpass, widening of roads, better co-ordination of traffic light timing etc, they chose the easy way of additional ERP charges on weekends! It's that simple! Their solution to the problem is to make it our burden to solve the problem!
This irresponsible move came coincide with the approval of public transports fare hikes. Though they denied it, I can see that this two issues were closely related & planned. If you've watched & listened to the news carefully, you'll find these obvious links!
- When asked about how the public is affected by the new ERP charges? The answer from one of the officials was, "We encourage the public to take more public transport".
- When asked why was the application for increase of public transports fare approved, even though the companies are making profits? The answer from Public Transports Council (PTC) was, "The PTC is satisfied that while Public Transport Operators' (PTO) profit levels can be considered to be healthy, they are not excessive when compared with companies with similar industry structure and risk profiles." *Of course lah~! Alot of the profit went into supporting the stupid "City Buzz" mah~! Total waste of manpower & resources!!! Wonder which fucker came out with this proposal?!

These empty, fully air-con, fully lit City Buzz's has a very high proximity frequency! Average of 1.5 City Buzz : 1 of every other Bus! Fuel wasted, salaries wasted, vehicles wasted, power wasted, marketing budget wasted...but they have no worries! PTC has made it our "DUTY" support them!
The implementation of new ERP charges is directly helping the PTO to make more $$$! Sure~ they said that they care about the people, especially the needy : "The PTC notes that the Community Development Councils and the NTUC are setting up a Public Transport Fund to help this group of commuters, and that SMRT and SBST will be contributing to this fund. The PTC is happy that the transport operators are mindful of their social responsibility, and that through this targeted approach, public transport will remain affordable to all Singaporeans."
But there's a Chinese sayin' : 殺人放火金腰帶, 修橋補路無尸骸...