Friday, December 22, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006
滿城盡帶黃金甲 Curse of the Golden Flower (PG)
Rating: | ★★★ |
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Drama |
《沖天香陣透長安,滿城盡帶黃金甲》, a true event during the Tang Dynasty but that's not the case for this movie...only the title was adapted...Think domestic dispute of a disfunctional family on an epic scale (bad husband, desperate housewife, incest kids, mama's boy, rebelious teenager, angry 1st wife etc) + lots of Chrysanthemum!
Director 張藝謀 once again gathered lots of $$$ to bring us an extremely lavish production. The colourful palace that will leave you colourblind, shiny armours, fine details in everything but the main plot...but these pays off when you witness the fights & battle scenes; thanks to action director 程小東. Just as 張藝謀 usual style, he'll add in things uniquely China (eg. the imperial medical hall...& all them chinese tities...-_-") to capture black & white foreign audiences with yellow fever.
Unlike 英雄 (Hero) & 十面埋伏 (House of Flying Daggers), 滿城盡帶黃金甲's plot makes more sense & believable but still flawed. It's like 張藝謀 planned out all the eye candy scenes then slowly write in the plot to link'em up. No doubt about 周潤發, he IS the Emperor & 鞏俐 IS the Queen. But the favor didn't go with the rest of the cast..ESPECIALLY "Jay臭"!!! He's still a very~ very~ very~ bad actor! Can't comprehen why the director cast him for this rather major role? Haven't he heard of the inheritance theory? 周潤發 + 鞏俐 ≠ Jay....*unless he was dropped...face a baby~*...
Director: 張藝謀
Cast: 周潤發, 鞏俐, 周杰倫, 劉燁, 陳瑾, 李曼
1 star for Art Direction, 1 for the set, 1 for 周潤發, 1 for them "ultra-squeeshed" boobies...& minus 1 for Jay the wooden boy...
Not On My Watch Busters~!!!
Spammers, Cold Callers, Scammers, Smokers in Food Courts & Buses, these are a few of my most hated "things"!
I ain't no angel~ but I do believe in Justice. People who invade my privacy, disrupt my rights, one way or another, I'll get them.
Spammers - No matter how useless reportin' them to IDA (infocomm development authority of singapore) are, I'll still do it!
Cold Callers - Frak'em up~ Be as nasty as I like! That's the way to threat "Privacy Invadin' Pests"!
Scammers - All those work from home & make quick buck$ ads @ public places? They are either tryin' to con retirees of their pathetic CPF$ (central provident fund) or recruitin' Spammers / Cold Callers!!! I destroy'em all! "What can they do!? Bite Me!?" Their ads were up illegally anyway! Saw a couple of such ads just now, I removed'em, break'em & trashed'em.


Where it belongs~!!!
Smokers in Food Courts - Don't get me wrong~ I'm not here to preach healthy living~ I'm a Cigar smoker myself! But I won't do it in an air-con food court. Ciggies smokes, air-con & food simply can't mix. I respect others' right to eat in comfort. I don't have to go up to the smokers askin'em to stop (chances are, they will violently refuse to budge); to save trouble, I let the management of the premises do it. If they can't be bothered, I'll simply take a couple of fotos & send an email to MOH (ministry of health) *hey~ I pay tax too ok~it's high time they do som wrk 4 me yah~!?*. A few days later, summons will be served to the food courts management & I won't see them smokers in those places no more~
Smokers on Buses - In an enclosed small place like the upper deck of a double decker bus, some bengs were stupid enough to lite a cig & puff away~ Just as MOH, I paid for my bus ride, so I'll make the bus drivers do it *why make my hands dirty? I don't wanna be on youtube as another "bus uncle" saga~*. They have to~ it's part of their job.
I made others do the dirty wrkz 'coz I ain't got the authority to stop offenders. I wanted to be on law enforcement for my NS (national service) but some how I was thrown into 1 with similar!!!...or maybe they foresee that I may pop some caps into offenders without thinkin'...
Thursday, December 07, 2006
The Holiday (PG)

Rating: | ★★★★★ |
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Romantic Comedy |
After watchin' the trailer, I thought this is just gonna be another holiday comedy but turned out it is my no.1 X'masholidayheartwarmin' kinda flick in recent years. Unlike Love Actually, which I find nice...but it was like a buffet spread, everybody in it is just like passers-by. The Holiday on the other hand, is more focus, hence more room for characters development, questioning & self discoveries. These gave them flesh & blood, & I find myself asking questions similar to the ones they asked themselves.
This movie made so much references in Classic Movies & Scores that If you are a Movie or Movie Score buff *like me~ Hans Zimmer fan~*, you'll find yourself agreeing & gotten closer to the characters' world.
Director: Nancy Meyers
Writer: Nancy Meyers
Cast: Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Jack Black, Eli Wallach, Edward Burns, Rufus Sewel
Friday, December 01, 2006
タイヨウのうた ﹣Midnight Sun / A Song to the Sun (PG)

Rating: | ★★★★ |
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Drama |
The two had nothing in common...
A typical Japanese drama, starring the young & talented singer/writer/composer YUI.
One way to look at this movie - It's like a role written just for YUI; in her very own music drama. Her charming confidence & alluring charisma when she sings, along with all her songs are enough to sell~ which made the rest of the cast doing only supporting roles. A great debut for this singer, even though she maybe just being herself in it *unlike another f'ugly Taiwanese singer who made his frak'up debut in a manga adaptation & won a rigged award for best new comer~*.
Another way - To use a popular teen idol YUI to address the young people known as “The Strawberry Generation”-- good-looking on the outside but easily crushed under pressure. YUI played Amane Kaoru (雨音薫) a 16 yr old girl sufferin' from Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP). Knowing her own limitations, she has to courage up & go all way out (eg. getting to know the guy 藤代孝治 (冢本高史) she's been watchin' from her window), inorder to get what she wanted before it's too late. A gal who knew that her days are numbered will not take life or people around her for granted. She'll cherish even the littlest things in life; unlike many youngsters who went through life without living it...or something throwing their lives away while others long to live it just a little bit longer.
Just as her dad 雨音谦 (岸谷五朗) mentioned in the show, "Why must this happened to our daughter who has been nothing but good; why not happen to some annoying brats."
Director: 小泉徳宏
Writer: 坂東賢治
Cast: YUI, 塚本高史, 麻木久仁子, 岸谷五朗, 通山愛里
1 star for YUI (singer), 1 for YUI (Writer/Composer), 1 for YUI (雨音薫) & 1 for makin' that f'ugly Taiwanese looks bad~!