Not On My Watch Busters~!!!
Spammers, Cold Callers, Scammers, Smokers in Food Courts & Buses, these are a few of my most hated "things"!
I ain't no angel~ but I do believe in Justice. People who invade my privacy, disrupt my rights, one way or another, I'll get them.
Spammers - No matter how useless reportin' them to IDA (infocomm development authority of singapore) are, I'll still do it!
Cold Callers - Frak'em up~ Be as nasty as I like! That's the way to threat "Privacy Invadin' Pests"!
Scammers - All those work from home & make quick buck$ ads @ public places? They are either tryin' to con retirees of their pathetic CPF$ (central provident fund) or recruitin' Spammers / Cold Callers!!! I destroy'em all! "What can they do!? Bite Me!?" Their ads were up illegally anyway! Saw a couple of such ads just now, I removed'em, break'em & trashed'em.


Where it belongs~!!!
Smokers in Food Courts - Don't get me wrong~ I'm not here to preach healthy living~ I'm a Cigar smoker myself! But I won't do it in an air-con food court. Ciggies smokes, air-con & food simply can't mix. I respect others' right to eat in comfort. I don't have to go up to the smokers askin'em to stop (chances are, they will violently refuse to budge); to save trouble, I let the management of the premises do it. If they can't be bothered, I'll simply take a couple of fotos & send an email to MOH (ministry of health) *hey~ I pay tax too ok~it's high time they do som wrk 4 me yah~!?*. A few days later, summons will be served to the food courts management & I won't see them smokers in those places no more~
Smokers on Buses - In an enclosed small place like the upper deck of a double decker bus, some bengs were stupid enough to lite a cig & puff away~ Just as MOH, I paid for my bus ride, so I'll make the bus drivers do it *why make my hands dirty? I don't wanna be on youtube as another "bus uncle" saga~*. They have to~ it's part of their job.
I made others do the dirty wrkz 'coz I ain't got the authority to stop offenders. I wanted to be on law enforcement for my NS (national service) but some how I was thrown into 1 with similar!!!...or maybe they foresee that I may pop some caps into offenders without thinkin'...
i've no idea that s'poreans degenerated so much. I thk I still live in 'S'pore is a 'fine' country' gd old days.
I was boast'n quite a lot abt the moral of the pub. in S'pore 2 all the ARg. may be I shld just stop do'n it be4 my hubby see the other side of the moon.
sg frakkers hav alwayz been frakkers, mor so now in the digital age. u didn't see them then 'coz I ain't got a blog then~! =p
Since I was a smoker, it does not affect me too much, but they should at least be considerate.....
Anyway, the degeneration is horrible, most people do not give up seat to elderly or pregnant women.......
somehow, the word considerate does not exist in many singaporeans' dictionaries.
Ask any kidz, dey'll ask u bak. "Considerate? Whatz dat~!? Can eat not~?"
well, they dun give up seats.....already bad enough....
they snatch seat from people who needs it more! My wife had such an experience when she took the MRT to work one day.
Uniquely singapore yah~?
my hubby said that now he's already more relieved knowing that even S'pore is go'n thru' this world wide degeneration of sense of moral. He feels less inferior fr now on. haha.
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