Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Kiss - Because I am a girl

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Many young ladies look into mirrors everyday without actually seeing themselves.

                                                                                                                                                                          - UltraVinz 03:09:07

Complainin' about disrespectful subordinates - Have you ever respected them before. Respect doesn't come free, you have to earn it.

Complainin' about boyfriends - Just how good a girlfriend you are? Have you been just as understanding as you wanted him to be? Have you been faithful after watchin' all them "Adventures of Desperate Housewives seekin' Sex in the City with Alley McBeal"?

Complainin' about B'itchés from work - Ditto U~ n'uff said~

Complainin' about husbands - Are you still that BYT (beautiful young thing) he married years ago, or have you evolved into that naggie, sour, don curlers to bed auntie?

These may apply to us dudes as well, we guyz are not any better ourselves but it's always easier to see other people's fault.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Being a Cuddly Greek~

Ναϊ Με λατρεψτε! Είμαι μεγαλύτερος από το Θεό!
(Yes! Worship Me! I'm Bigger than god!)

...but there is no god...hence every & anything is Bigger than god.

                                                                                     - UltraVinz 03:04:07

The result is surprisingly pleasin'; I like doin' that~