Sunday, December 25, 2005

Happy Boxing Day~!

Another X'mas is over. I had fun~ I would like to wish all a Happy Boxing Day except those fuckin' sporean who still moan over the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami!

Let's juz wake the fuck up & face the hard fact of life!!! Why do we have to moan over these lives which seemed so worthless to their own government? Shouldn't they be putting @ least 12x more effort than foreigners? Who are we? Why don't we make everyday a  black day  since people in third world country die everyday due to poverty, hunger, sickness, war, sexual assault & so on... I think they suffered a more evil, pro-long & painful death than those that were swept away by the forces of nature!

From this so called "dramatic tragedy" I can see many religious dicks tryin' to buy their way into the "heaven". The truth is, if there really is a heaven, their puny effort & donations will never be n'uff to even buy them a taxi ride within thousands acres beyond the radius of the heaven's parameter. Hundred of thousands from a certain group were donated to the victims for them to build new "LIVES", new houses (Total sg Tsunami Relief - $84 million *which includes my puny S$10~*). S$47.5 Million were spent to build "A House For That One Person" so that they can "WORSHIP" him...or it~! You do the maths...& we are not talkin' about juz ONE life...Lives vs "An Imaginary Friend" & we all knew who won...

While we are @ it, let's not forget our medias that dramatised this event to gain ratings. Compassion my a$$. If really so, shut me up by lettin' me see the total air time sales profit going into the aids of these victims.

Nobody in sg is going to heaven, because nobody *including myself~* is big n'uff to scarify & share his wealth with the victims, to make them of equal or better standard of living than us.

I dare to say -  N_O_B_O_D_Y!!!  

So stop boo~hoo~in' over this insignificant nature's freak accident, unless you are powerful n'uff to control nature & big n'uff to give up all your luxuries for their comfort!

Moanin' doesn't resurrect the deads~ Prayin' can't get rid of their corrupted officials~ Sun still rises~ Night still falls~ Tsunami will still happen again~ & again~ & again~ Even god is powerless~

Call me evil or anything that pleases you, fact will always be fact! I live my life with a Clear Conscience~ I sleep well @ night, do you~?