Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Friday, November 11, 2005
Luke Jedi vs Luke Jedi
Ever since 1977 Kenner (which was later bought over by has"bra") has been producing Star Wars action figures.
For more than 25 years, little improvement has been done to the figures, however the price did increased by 900%+ & countin' since the beginning.
I've to admit...I'd been a sucker for many years but it wasn't always that bad until recent years...with the release of the dreaded Star Wars Prequels. Too many versions of Darth Maul, Jango Fett, Darth Vader & even *fuckin'~* jarjar binks had been released...worst of all were all the *shitty~* exclusives - variants, repaints & all the crap that weren't even in the movies. has"bra" & George Puke'as are takin' fans & collectors for granted. They're consistently insultin' our intelligence.
After 2002, I've learned to let go many of things & 1 of them is Star Wars figures that had been with me for ages. I'd cut myself loose of its leash. I know now that $$$ in my hands gives me the Power to Choose. Choose to spend it on somethings or somebody that are worthy. has"bra" has no pride in their work. Ridin' on the Star Wars label, throwin' any *crap~* @ us & expect us to receive'em with open arms. Never will this happen to me again.
A recent press release from SideShow made me realised my choice was right. SideShow is well know for makin' Movie 12" figures with high level of details & craftsmanship @ reasonable price. When they took over the helm to produce 12" Star Wars figures, it's the best news regarding Star Wars licence since the good'o Kenner days.
To prove my point, juz check out the pixes below.
has"bra" Bantha's shit like 12" Luke Jedi
SideShow 12" Luke Jedi
SideShow 12" Luke Jedi
SideShow 12" Luke Jedi
SideShow 12" Luke Jedi
SideShow 12" Luke Jedi
SideShow 12" Luke Jedi
SideShow 12" Luke Jedi
SideShow 12" Luke Jedi
SideShow 12" Luke Jedi
SideShow 12" Luke Jedi
Labels: starwars