Lady in the Water (PG)

Rating: | ★★ |
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Mystery & Suspense |
We all have our purpose in this world, no matter how small, odd, insignificant or failure of a life you feel about yourself; everything happened for a reason. The same messages in most of director M. Night Shyamalan's movies.
A legend, a fairy tale, a bed time story...that wasn't really as well told as his earlier works. The "Impact" of the final revealation is kinda *yawn~*, & the "Fantasy" elements blended so well into our world that made this kinda *yawn~* again... As Pinky's frequent nonsensical interjections: "Narf~"
I'm glad to see Paul Giamatti (Cleveland Heep) as the lead, he's a good actor & did a great job as the stuttering apartment maintainance manager trying to runaway from his tragic past. With his character background, there are so much more room for Paul Giamatti to express but the director switched his lenses towards himself...*PLEASE~ don't act anymore~ leave it to the pro~*...
Director: M. Night Shyamalan
Writer: M. Night Shyamalan
Cast: Bryce Dallas Howard, Paul Giamatti, Freddy Rodriguez, Jeffrey Wright, Bob Balaban, Sarita Choudhury, Mary Beth Hurt, Cindy Cheung, Joe Reitman
1 star for Paul Giamatti, & 1 for James Newton Howard for giving us such a beautiful score.
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