Up~ Up~ & Away~!!!

It's a Bird~! It's a Plane~! It's...My 13" Deluxe Collector Edition SUPERMAN from DC Direct!
Nope! It's not here yet...it should be here in less than 10 days...but I can't contain my excitement...*YaY~!!!*
For US$89.99, it's not cheap but this is the only decent 1/6 scale Superman in decades (the previous good one was the great late Christopher Reeves Movie Superman in the late 70s~). Furthermore, I can have both Clark Kent & Superman @ the same time! On top of all that - 24+ points of articulation!!! *Wee~...err...gotta starve meself for the next 10 days...but still, Wee~!!!*
Damn~ shipment delayed... -_-"
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