Sunday, October 23, 2005

Prelude to an Election...

Somethings r quite obvious...soon we'll hear from The Son dat our 3rd qrt sg Consumer Confidence Index is all time high.


more coe = lower price = more sales of cars = more loans = more biz for the finacial sector = more beautiful figures for their indexes = picture of a nice economy = I score points = vote for me.

Why Cars?

Something dat is pricey, easy to re-stock, easier & faster to move than properties, 1 of the Cs, pleases more sporeans, lots of ways to make $$$ from owners in the future.

Either 'coz of dat big "E" or sg is in trouble & needed some kinda temporally $ boost...

Still, don't take dis seriously 'coz I'm juz a layman wonderin' why?...datz all...i'm tire...can't help babblin'...



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