Friday, September 07, 2007

In the Name of My God! I'll Kill / Rob / Kidnap / Torture / Rape You!

"South Korea pays Taliban $20 million ransom, Taliban promises to kidnap, kill more foreigners"

After hearin' this, the kimchi suckerz must be like goin' D'oH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not only the Taliban fucked'em like a cheap camel whore~ the world is lookin' @ them like they are a cheap camel whore who asked for it!

But that's not what the kimchi politicians think. To them, winnin' the next election & stay in power is more important than world peace/terrorism/international interest.

As for the 19 hostages, I hope they finally learned that $$$ is bigger than their god. Sure, you'll say, "god created everything!" HELLO~ Don't insult ye own farkin' god~! It can turn stones to bread, water to booze; so it has no farkin' use for $$$!

This whole drama is a dog eat dog genre. Taliban is nuthin' but some cheap bandits with no proper flushin' systems! Jihad~! Rescue Comrades~! WoW~ ssssoooo~ noooble...ultimately, $$$ talks!

Now that they have $$$, they should reprint all their Visitor Arrival Form (white card) with a little addition - this line: ~

"In the Name of My God! I'll Kill / Rob / Kidnap / Torture / Rape You! (Please Circle Your Choice)"



Anonymous Jessica Lee said...

Hmm... so they rec'd a fat ransom~~!

Now I know where Osama got the money from to do the makeover and video. Geez... he can do a good MTV if he wants.

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Vinz Lee said...

Osama Been Lyin' ain't no Talibanian. He's Al Qaedian. Just as dumb though~

This regular homeless kidney failin' motherless camel urges ppl to join his religion to end wars...juz look @ him, has his god been kind 2 idiots in his league? Join me & KaBooM! for my...erm god sake!

10:12 PM  

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