Whack a Dumb Ass Kimchi!
Some people say don't mess with'em worm food~! Me, I don't give a Jack-Ass~! As long as you're a Stooooooopid A$$, I'll frak u left-right-center~!!! Not happy with me? Try shootin' me~ we'll be damn worm food sooner or later any which way~!
By now, everybody not living under a rock should have learned about this Virginia Tech Bloodbath. While everybody is trying to analyse the safety of school compound, firearms control, possible reasons leading to this kimchi's madness etc, Nobody has actually mentioned that this piece of maggoty kimchi is a Frakkin' Big Coward~!
Lots of anger & dissatisfaction about the society, religion & system he displayed in his 15 minutes of fame video. What did he do about it? He went huntin' season on a group of unarmed students...what changes could he had made? NOTHING!!!
Gunned down helpless students is just as good as snatchin' a lolipop from a baby in a cradle. *Balless action!* What happened to all them John Woo's style twin pistols pose macho pix of himself!
No matter how crazy he was, if he really had the ballz & wanted to make real changes, he should have his showdown in the Congress House, White House, Pentagon or even Area 51~!!! Face up with the Men in Suits! Gun down a few & live to face the world after that. The world will definately change I promise you that.
I'm not a Korean, but as an Asian, I felt ashamed that I share the same skin colour as this piece of chix-shit pussy! I'll spit on his grave!
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