Hotel Rwanda (PG)

Rating: | ★★★ |
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Drama |
Based on the true story of Paul Rusesabagina (Cheadle), the house manager of a hotel in Rwanda circa 1994. During the turmoil in Rwanda, when the Hutus were killing the Tutsis like cockroaches, Paul as a Hutu himself, helped & saved hundreds of Tutsis in the hotel he worked in.
The movie reminded me of a coloured, less realistic, low budget & less dramatic Schindler's List. The subject is Top Grade, but the productions needed alot more help to make it a A Grade movie instead of an Art House film.
Cast: Don Cheadle, Nick Nolte, Joaquin Phoenix, Jean Reno
A rather slow movie, don't expect too much. 1 star for the film, 1 star for Don Cheadle & 1 star for the innocents slaughtered during the war. If the director had done a better job, this movie may make the recent tsunami tragedy looked like a walk in the park...we are talking about victims by the hundreds thousands, killed in brutality...
*Chances of Don Cheadle winning an Oscar maybe slim, but I still wish he can get it instead of Leonardo DiCoocoo.
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